Saturday, January 4, 2003

Gift-tacular goodness

My list:

He-Man toy

My beloved sister got me this. A new, highly detailed version of the '80s classic. I used to have many of these toys. I don't remember them looking this good. Think of the fun I could have had, if these toys somehow fell into a time warp leading into 1985!

New Yorker Page-A-Day calendar

I needed a good daily calendar. Now I have one. Complete with funny and incomprehensible cartoons.

Bound journal

Daily planner and pen

Greenish sweater

My favorite color. On one of my favortie articles of clothing.

Onion collection

Perhaps the coolest gift of all. A boxed set containing the three volumes of humorous news reporting issued by the Onion, the revered satirical newspaper. (See the link to the right of this page for instant gratification of your Onion desires.) Includes Our Dumb Century, Finest News Reporting and Dispatches from the Tenth Circle.

Now I feel kind of guilty I got everyone rather cheap gifts. Perhaps when I'm making real money I can get them something posh. Like a tin of antacid tablets.