Friday, August 29, 2003

Ramblings Late at Night

I've meant to update more. The S.O. keeps pestering me about it, and he's right. There's a marvelous plasticity to a blog like this, and I'm a fool not to use it more often. So, after I finish flagellating myself, perhaps I'll write more. Or maybe I'll play a video game.

I realized a couple of days ago that I know how to touch-type. I'm not saying that I know how to do it very well, but I'm able. I've never been taught -- typing was one of those high school courses that slipped beneath my radar screen. I learned how to type reasonably quickly during that time under my own direction. I just looked at the keyboard. But now that years have gone by and I've typed so very much, I've found I pretty much know where the keys are. I don't have to really think about it. I move my fingers, watch the screen, and the words are there. Wow.

We've been playing a lot of F-Zero GX. It's a futuristic racing game published by Nintendo for the GameCube. The series started on the Super Nintendo, was updated for the Nintendo 64 and now is ready for a new generation. It's hella fun.