I took my car in
The little orange "Service Engine Soon" light came on as I
was driving home yesterday evening. After doing a bit of panicking, I
checked the ever-reliable web. The consensus was that the light doesn't
signify something horrible, but rather suggests politely the car might
need a looking-at. Panic subsided.
This morning, however, I brought
the car to the friendly neighborhood Saturn dealership. The man in the
shop told me I had some sort of leaking hose connected to the
vacuum system in the car. Or something like that. It wasn't particularly
expensive, in any case.
I realized, though, that the man could have
told me anything was wrong with the car. He could have said, "Mr. M, you
have a nasty boll-weevil infestation in that engine of yours." And I would
have nodded and said, "Make sure you kill those little buggers."
they killed off the insects, or replaced the hose, or whatever. And thus
-- viola! -- no more orange light.