My head hurts from the binoculars I rented at the Fleetwood Mac show this evening. By "this evening" I actually mean the evening of June 8, a.k.a. Sunday. The show was good in an arena-rock sort of way, and I'm glad I had the binoculars. But they made my eyes focus kind of funny, and now my head has interesting little pinging sensations.
Did a load of laundry this evening. It should hold me for a few days, although I plan to do more. Obviously that will be worth some serious space in the blog.
The dog has a name now -- Tundra. It was not so much decided in a burst of inspiration as finally settled on. I think it's a decent name, although the dog clearly doesn't associate with it yet. She was wild tonight -- my time at the concert should have been spent running around with her, she seems to say.